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Public offer


PUBLIC OFFER AGREEMENT of the legal entity ASP Holding LLP (hereinafter referred to as the Seller)

This public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) is an Agreement concluded between the Seller and the user - an individual (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), which determines the conditions for the purchase and provision of services using the Seller’s resources.


Parties - Seller and Customer.

Seller - ASP Holding LLP. Certificate of VAT registration series 60001 No. 1228848 dated 05/03/2022.

Customer - is an individual or legal entity who orders and pays for certain goods or services from a supplier or performer.

Agreement - this document with appendices, additions.

Product - Services and Products published on the Seller's website, in the form of tickets, accommodation numbers, parking spaces and more.

RK - Republic of Kazakhstan.

Tax Code - Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget.”

ESF - Electronic invoice, issued in electronic form, registered in the information system for the receipt and processing of electronic invoices, with the mandatory completion of all required columns (lines) in accordance with the order of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22 April 2019 No. 370 “On approval of the Rules for issuing invoices in electronic form in the information system of electronic invoices.”

VAT - value added tax.

Website - a collection of interconnected web pages available on the Internet and usually sharing a common domain name. A website may contain text information, images, videos, hyperlinks and other elements, allowing the user to access this content through a web browser


2.1. The Seller publishes this Offer with an offer to individuals and legal entities in accordance with Articles 395, 396 and 447 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

2.2. This Offer, like any Agreement, defines the essential terms of interaction between the Seller and the Customer (the person who accepted the Offer)

2.3. This Offer is concluded between the Seller and the Customer at the time of placing the order.

2.4. The offer can be accepted by any individual or legal entity on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan who intends to order (purchase) a product provided by the Seller in accordance with the list indicated on the website

2.5. The customer unconditionally accepts all the conditions contained in the offer as a whole (i.e. in full and without exceptions)

2.6. If the terms of this Offer are accepted, an individual or legal entity becomes the Customer.

2.7. Acceptance is the receipt by the Seller of a message about the intention of an individual or legal entity to order the Product on the terms proposed by this Offer.

2.8. The Offer, all changes, annexes to it, as well as all additional information about the Products are published on the website


3.1. The website of the ASP Club complex is the property of the Seller and is intended for organizing a remote method of selling Products via the Internet.

3.2. Having accepted the Offer (i.e., payment for the order placed on the Seller’s website), the Customer will receive the Products on the terms and in the manner specified in the Seller’s Service Agreement, posted on the website https: //

3.3. The Seller is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Customer when placing an order on the Seller's website.


4.1. The customer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing an order, and its purity from claims of third parties.

4.2. The Customer confirms his agreement with the conditions established by this Offer by checking the box “I have read the terms of the Agreement in full, all the terms of the Agreement are clear to me, I agree with all the terms of the Agreement” when placing an order.

4.3. The information provided by the Customer is confidential. The Customer, by providing his personal data, registering on the website or filling out an application, agrees by his actions to the processing of his personal data in order to fulfill the user agreement. The Seller uses information about the Customer exclusively for for operational purposes (sending notification by the Customer about the completion of the order, etc.) and in the cases specified in this Offer.

4.4. The Product is purchased by the Customer exclusively for personal, family, household needs not related to business activities. The use of the Seller's website (resource) to view and select Products, as well as to place an order, is free of charge for the Customer.


5.1. The Seller, based on the Customer's orders, sells the Product to the latter in accordance with the conditions and at prices established by the Seller on the website.

5.2. The provision of Products ordered and paid for by the Customer is carried out by the Seller or third parties engaged by the Seller to fulfill their obligations.

5.3. The provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the ZRK On the Protection of Consumer Rights, as well as other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan governing the rights and obligations of the Parties specified in this Offer apply to the relationship between the Customer and the Seller.

5.4. An individual or legal entity is considered to have accepted all the terms of the Offer (acceptance) and its annexes in full and without exception from the moment the Seller receives a message about the Customer's intention to order the Product on the terms proposed by the Seller. In case of acceptance of the Offer, the individual or legal the person is considered to have concluded a Service Agreement with the Seller and acquires the status of Customer


6.1. The Customer can place an order independently on the Seller's website, or through a Seller specialist by phone indicated on the website, under the terms of the Service Agreement.

6.2. When placing an order on the Seller's website, the Customer is required to provide the following data:

  • Full name, IIN (for individuals) or full name, BNN (for legal entities);
  • delivery address of the Product;
  • contact phone number and email address of the Customer.

6.3. The Customer's expression of will is carried out by entering the relevant data into the order form on the Seller's website, or by submitting an application through a Seller specialist using information and telecommunications means or by e-mail.

6.4. The Seller does not edit information about the Customer


7.1. Information about the Seller's Products is made available for display on the Seller's website through graphics and information that are the property of the Seller

7.2. Each graphic image is accompanied by text information with the name, price and description of the services.

7.3. All information materials presented on the Seller's website are for reference only and cannot fully convey information about the properties and characteristics. If the Customer has questions regarding the properties and characteristics of the Product, the Customer must before placing an order contact the Seller's specialist at the phone numbers listed on the website

7.4. At the Customer’s request, the Seller’s specialist is obliged to provide (by phone or via email) other information necessary and sufficient, from the Customer’s point of view, for him to make a decision about the order


8.1. The Customer has the right to place an order for any of the types of Product provided on the Seller's website. Each type of Product can be ordered in any quantity. Exceptions to this rule are indicated in the description of each type of Product.

8.2. The order can be placed by the Customer by phone numbers indicated on the website, or placed independently on the website.

8.3. After placing an order, the Seller confirms the Customer's order by sending information confirming acceptance of the order to the Customer's email, indicating the name, type and characteristics of the Product, indicating the total amount of the order, or the Seller's specialist contacts the Customer by phone to clarify the necessary characteristics of the Product

8.4. If it is impossible to provide the ordered Product presented on the Seller's website, the latter's specialist is obliged to notify the Customer about this (by phone or via email)

8.5. The term for the provision of each ordered Product is established by agreement of the Parties and/or is determined by the Service Agreement posted on the Seller's website


9.1. The price on the Seller's website is indicated in the national currency Tenge of the Republic of Kazakhstan

9.2. The price indicated on the website can be changed by the Seller unilaterally, but the price for Products ordered and paid by the Customer cannot be changed.

9.3. The cost of the Product provided to the Customer when ordering on the Seller's website is indicated in the "Payment" section.


10.1. Reservation and purchase of Products is carried out through the official website "ASP Club", mobile application or on site at the complex's cash desk.

10.2. Methods and procedures for payment are indicated on the website in the “Payment” section. If necessary, the procedure and terms of payment for the order are negotiated by the Customer with the Seller’s specialist.

10.3. When paying in cash, the Customer is obliged to pay the Seller the price of the order at the time of issuing and transferring the invoice for payment to the Customer, by transferring the money to the Seller's representative.

10.4. Payment by bank transfer is made according to the issued invoice within 3 (three) business days from the date of issuance of such an invoice. After receipt of funds to the Seller's account, the Seller's specialist agrees with the Customer on the terms of delivery. In case of non-cash payment, the Customer's obligation to pay The price of the order is considered fulfilled from the moment the corresponding funds are credited to the bank account specified by the Seller.

10.5. The Customer pays for the order using any method available on the Seller's website

10.6. Settlements by the Parties when paying for an order are made in tenge of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


11.1. The Customer has the right to refuse the Product in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

11.2. The Customer has no right to refuse Products provided properly.

11.3. If the Customer refuses the Product, the Seller returns to the Customer the amount paid by the Customer in accordance with the agreement, excluding the Seller's expenses.

11.4. Ticket return conditions:

11.4.1. Refund of tickets is possible in accordance with the conditions provided for by these Terms and the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

11.4.2. Tickets are refunded only in case of cancellation or postponement of the event.

11.4.3. If an event is cancelled, tickets will be refunded within 30 working days from the official announcement of the cancellation.

11.4.4. When an event is postponed, tickets are valid for the new date. The buyer has the right to demand a refund if the new date is not satisfactory.

11.5. Ticket return procedure:

11.5.1. A request for a refund of tickets is submitted by contacting the online ticket sales service on the website of the "ASP Club" complex.

11.5.2. Refunds are made to the same bank card from which the tickets were paid.

11.5.3. If the details change, the Buyer is obliged to notify the "ASP Club" complex about this by sending a request to the email

11.5.4. Refunds are made no later than 10 business days from the date of receipt of the request and confirmation of the right to return.

11.6. Hotel booking conditions:

11.6.1 Room reservations are made through the online service on the ASP Club website or by calling +7 705 724 5000.

11.6.2 To complete the reservation, you must provide guest information, including last name, first name, contact phone number and email.

11.6.3 The guest receives a booking confirmation in his personal account on the website, as well as to the specified email address.

11.6.4 Payment is made according to the rates indicated on the ASP Club website, or according to the individual conditions provided at the time of booking.

11.6.5 Cancellation of a reservation more than 24 hours before the expected arrival does not entail additional penalties.

11.6.6 If the reservation is canceled less than 24 hours before the expected arrival, a penalty of 50% of the cost of the stay will be charged.

11.6.7 The guest has the right to request the cancellation of the fine with a detailed statement of the reason. If the request is approved, the guest will not be charged a fine.

11.6.8 Early check-in and late check-out are possible with an additional payment of 50% of the cost of living per day and with prior agreement with the administration via telephone or email.


12.1 The parties bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

12.2 The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Customer due to his improper use of the Product results ordered on the Seller's website.

12.3 The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Offer for the duration of force majeure circumstances.

12.4 If the Customer violates these Terms, the ASP Club complex has the right to refuse to return tickets.

12.5 The "Sand Spit" complex is not responsible for additional fees charged by banks and payment systems when returning funds


13.1 The relations between the Customer and the Seller are subject to the rules defined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

13.2 If necessary, the Seller and the Customer have the right at any time to draw up a contract for the provision of services in the form of a written bilateral agreement that does not contradict the provisions of this Offer.

13.3 In case of questions and claims on the part of the Customer, the latter must contact the Seller at the address of the Seller's location: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Bostandyk district, Al-Farabi Avenue, 200, postal code 050043, and/ or by email: and/or by phone number: +7 705 724 5000, including those defined on the Seller’s website.

13.4 This Offer comes into force from the date of its acceptance by the Customer and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations under it, or until termination.

13.5 All disputes and disagreements arising when the Parties fulfill their obligations under this Offer are resolved through negotiations, and if they cannot be resolved through negotiations, the Parties have the right to apply for resolution of such disputes to the judicial authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the location of the Seller

13.6 Seller reserves the right to expand and reduce the overall offering of Products on the website, regulate access to ordering any Products, and suspend or terminate the sale of any Products in its sole discretion.

13.7 The "ASP Club" complex reserves the right to make changes and additions to this Agreement without prior notice to the Customer. Changes come into force from the moment they are published on the website


Address - Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Bostandyk district, Al-Farabi Avenue, 200, postal code 050043


IIK - KZ23601A861000027131 (KZT) KZ50601A861023841891 (USD)

BIN - 131040003617

Bank - JSC Halyk Bank Kazakhstan

VAT - VAT registration certificate series 60001 No. 1228848 dated 05/03/2022.

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